The Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (RACS) has recognised that the increased numbers of medical graduates and limited training places have resulted in junior doctors spending more time in non-accredited positions. To assist junior doctors and to help guide them in their career development during the early prevocational years, RACS has established JDocs a competency framework supported by a suite of learning and assessment resources. JDocs is available for doctors including internship and beyond, registered in Australia and New Zealand.
The level of input from the doctor is entirely up to them. It is important to understand that utilising JDocs framework does not guarantee selection into any procedural specialty training program. However, this framework and the supporting resources will assist the junior doctor recognise the skills and performance standards, prior to applying to vocational specialist training.
The SAPMEA website details a range of medical education events. These events are available to view on the Medical Education Events calendar, on the SAPMEA website.
AMPHEaT design, develop and deliver a wide range of professional education events. Visit their calendar of events for more information.