Internship Application Guideline
Complete your Internship at a South Australian Local Health Network
The Local Health Networks listed below offer internship positions in South Australia.
Click on each of LHN links to view detailed information about their Health Services and Facilities, Educational Opportunities, Supervision and Support, Rotations and Lifestyle.
Barossa Hills Fleurieu Local Health Network (BHFLHN)
Central Adelaide Local Health Network (CALHN)
Eyre and Far North Local Health Network (EFNLHN)
Flinders and Upper North Local Health Network (FUNLHN)
Limestone Coast Local Health Network (LCLHN)
Northern Adelaide Local Health Network (NALHN)
Riverland Mallee Coorong Local Health Network (RMCLHN)
Southern Adelaide Local Health Network (SALHN)
*Yorke and Northern Local Health Network (YNLHN)
*Intern positions are subject to Accreditation occurring in late 2024.
National Audit of Intern Acceptances and Unplaced Applicants
South Australia take part in the National Audit of Intern Acceptances and Unplaced Applicants, which identifies applicants who are holding multiple intern acceptances across Australia. Applicants who have accepted more than one intern position will be contacted by the National Audit Data Manager. These applicants are then asked to withdraw from all intern positions, except the one that they intend to undertake for their intern year.
Junior Doctor Training Program – Private Hospital Stream (PHS)
This initiative is designed to increase the nation’s capacity to train medical interns in alternative settings, such as private hospitals, and in rural and regional Australia, where there are traditionally fewer options for internship training.
These places are only available to eligible international full-fee paying medical students from onshore medical schools in Australia having completed all of their medical degree in Australia. For further information visit the Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care.
Dr Harry Gaffney is the 2023 South Australian Junior Doctor of the Year

Dr Gaffney has significantly contributed to education and training in the Limestone Coast Local Health Network (LCLHN) and the wider community through project work, publications, and speaking at several conferences and podcasts. He has even had time to write and publish a children’s book to inspire children to understand how their body works. Dr Gaffney is passionate about education and training and advocates for rural healthcare junior doctors Australia-wide by liaising with the Australian Medical Council (AMC) on how to improve the rural health workforce and rural patient health outcomes.